Sonnox Oxford Eq Crack

Jason Goldstein Sonnox helps Goldstein get 'In-The-Box' As of January this year, mix engineer Jason Goldstein joined the league's of mixers working fully in-the-box, a transition made possible in large part by the Sonnox range of Oxford plug-ins. 'Sonnox plug-ins make up at least half the plug-ins on every mix I've done for over a year,' Goldstein assures. In that span of time, Goldstein mixed Beyonce's Grammy-winning album B-Day and The Roots' Grammy-nominated Game Theory, tracks on Kelly Rowland's recent album and upcoming re-release, Kirk Franklin's latest, Jill Scott's new single 'Hate On Me,' and the upcoming debut album for Jive artist Samantha Jade. Working primarily with R&B and hip-hop artists, and well-known for having come up as mixer to the prolific Trackmasters production duo Poke & Tone, Goldstein mixes that genre's whole spectrum, nailing the radio pop R&B like Beyonce on the one end and the more organic and vibey old-school sounds of The Roots, on the other. For their timing, the Beyonce and Roots albums predicated the imminent move into-the-box for Goldstein.

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'I used Sonnox plug-ins a lot on both of those records, and really on every album since,' says Goldstein. 'The Oxford EQ is my total go-to EQ, and the Inflator goes on the stereo buss of every single mix.
I also use the Transient Modulator and the Oxford Dynamics plug-ins all the time.' Starting with the Oxford EQ and working his way across the Sonnox range, Goldstein describes: 'I tend to do records that have tons of vocals, and I use the Oxford EQ on 99 percent of them. I used the EQ all over Beyonce's lead vocal and the background vocals, for example.
I also use the EQ on sweeter sounding instruments like acoustic guitars and strings. The transparency of this EQ is key-I can be very surgical, very specific with this EQ, but it's also smooth and musical. It has the 1-4 EQ curve setting, and I lean towards 2 or 3 because it's a wider bell, and more musical. A lot of the plug-in EQs out there allow you to get too narrow, which is just unnatural.
People tend to make really tight cues and then add a lot of gain, which results in phase shift. With the Oxford EQ, it's a wider cue, a smoother bell, and the shelving EQ is also less drastic than others. 'I also used the Inflator on every mix on that Beyonce album, and every mix I've done since,' Goldstein continues. 'And, I use it for exactly what it's intended to do- it adds dynamics and increases apparent loudness. A lot of records I end up doing are mid-deficient, and the Inflator seems to add harmonics in the midrange so that I get a better overall sound from top to bottom, a better representation of the entire frequency spectrum.' More specifically, Goldstein explains that when using the Inflator, he will have the input at zero or -1 and put the effect at 100% and set the curve somewhere in the -20 to -30 range.