Mollenhauer Bassoon Serial Numbers

Introduce yourself! Author: Date: 2006-04-19 20:38 My name is Merlin Williams, and I play bassoon as a double. I do some pit work here in Toronto, and actually get the occasional call for pick up orchestra work.
Playing bassoon also got me a trip to Switzerland last year with a community band! My bassoon is a fully rebuilt Mollenhauer with high E/F, wing Eb trill, Ab/Bb trill, full right and left thumb roller treatments, double-wide F#, and a. According to Linton going on the serial number it was made in the 40's. Mollenhauer contra bassoon circa 1910-1940's (no serial number). By Gumin Woodwind Services April 29, 2013. This contra came in for a disassemble, reseal and repad. Definitely could have used a lot more but budget constraints kept the job pretty simple. I have suspicions that Moenig in Philadelphia and Krantz in St.
Playing bassoon also got me a trip to Switzerland last year with a community band! I play on an older Kohlert with an Ab/Bb trill, keyed up to high Eb. It's also got a D/Eb trill. I had a Fox slide whisper lock added to it. Canotek Drivers Test Ottawa there. Being a doubler means having very little time to work on reeds, so I get them from Paul Buttemer in BC.
His triangle-well cut is excellent. Re: Introduce yourself! Author: Date: 2006-04-19 21:52 My name is Martin Baxter and I am an ex-army bassoonist( the British army) after which I became a woodwind teacher for Cumbria County Music service ( I had also played clarinet and sax in my army days) and a freelance player, mostly in the theatre.
I have also played oboe and flute. As I have got older I find my embouchure has bacome less flexible and I avoid the oboe. I later took up the contra. I;m now retired but still play chamber music with friends, and occasionally some jazz and folk. I play on a pre-war Adler with a Heckel 3C crook; for theatre work I used a Southern Brass 0HU and latterly a Huller 4. I used to use Cecil James' excellent reeds, but since his death make my own, which are just about playable. My Contra is a Gebr.
Monnig, on which my own reeds work fairly well. Easygo Smart Key System. Phone 4 Re: Introduce yourself! Author: Date: 2006-04-20 01:38 My name is Jamie and I'm a bassoonist. I am finishing up my last year of college and preparing to begin my time as a U.S. Army bassoonist (May 25, 2006). Currently I'm playing on a Fox 220. I make my own reeds and tend to stick to Rigotti cane (right now anyways.).
Martin, you said you own your own contra?! Thats very awesome! I've played my college's contra. I love the beast! I'm very happy to see a bassoon board up here finally!! 'There are two means of refuge from the miseries of life: music and cats.'
Re: Introduce yourself! Author: Date: 2006-04-21 06:43 My name is Willy and just recently bought myself a student model bassoon to finally try to learn my first woodwind love. Got it from yaBe for a good price and just need to have my repair tech look it over and put it right, then will be taking lesson from a local professional player. Look forward to learning from you seasoned pros.