Auto Ordnance Thompson Serial Numbers
The following is a paid advertisement. Auto Ordnance Thompson Tommy Guns for Sale! Scroll Down to see Guns, Packages and Pricing W We offer the choice of two purchase options. Special Factory Order: For those who want the abolute lowest price! Bomb The Suburbs Pdf Download. These guns are specially ordered for each customer directly from the factory and drop shipped to your transfer dealer ( except Short Barreled Rifles which ship to our shop first and then transfer to your dealer ). Factory Drop Ship guns are not stored in warehouses or handled on racks. This insures our customers the highest quality products with the latest production techniques and improvements.

Guns bought in large lots by wholesale companies may have sat in storage and would not have the latest improvements. Does not stock or store the guns, we do not put them out to be handled. Unfortunately we are unable to guarantee delivery dates on Factory Order guns since the Manufacturer determines shipping availability.