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Varykino, the villa where Anakin and Padme shared their first kiss, got married and spent their most happy moments, exists in real life. It is villa di Balbianello, located near little city Lenno on the Como lake, Italy. I was lucky to visit it during my journey across the Italy. Below is a little comparison of villa in Episode II and in real life: 1.
Approach to villa: 2. The dock: In real life this dock is not functioning, the way down is restricted.
The place of the first kiss: 4. The loggia: 5. When someone sent in the link to the celebrity gossip article with that picture in it, Alya immediately ran out of her house, already calling Marinette on speed dial. “Do not google Adrien or Ladybug until I get there!” Alya ordered as soon as she heard the phone pick up. She ran down the street, hoping to get to Marinette’s place before— “Too late,” Marinette replied, voice faint, and Alya cursed. Lg Washing Machine Serial Number Check.
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