Waldorf Blofeld Patch Manager Software
I got a Blofeld a few weeks ago with the License SL but had all kind of problems trying to load patches or the Easter soundbank. Last night I got an email from Waldorf support advising me to check the hardware ID was set to 0, it wasn't, it was set to 1, so I set it to 0 and now I can load patches! I put the Easter soundbank on and it's immediately way better than the default Bank A. It's louder, the volume is more consistent among patches and the patches are way more interesting. Then I put the VoxHumana patch on to go with the matching VoxHumana wavetables. I also grabbed a few random patches from here to check out There's some impressive stuff there.

So all in all I'm stoked with my Blofeld now that it's doing what I want. It's an awesome companion to my analogue synths. I got a Blofeld a few weeks ago with the License SL but had all kind of problems trying to load patches or the Easter soundbank. Last night I got an email from Waldorf support advising me to check the hardware ID was set to 0, it wasn't, it was set to 1, so I set it to 0 and now I can load patches!
I put the Easter soundbank on and it's immediately way better than the default Bank A. It's louder, the volume is more consistent among patches and the patches are way more interesting.
The VST-AU Blofeld Editor™ is a real-time MIDI synth editor that allows you full control of every parameter of the sound on the Waldorf Blofeld keyboard and desktop synthesizers. All parameters are fully automatable using your favorite VST™ or Audio Unit™ capable DAW host, giving you the ability to visually program the.
Then I put the VoxHumana patch on to go with the matching VoxHumana wavetables. I also grabbed a few random patches from here to check out There's some impressive stuff there. So all in all I'm stoked with my Blofeld now that it's doing what I want. It's an awesome companion to my analogue synths.
Pl Sql Developer Oracle Client Not Properly Installed Oracle Home Key. I use waldorf's sample managing program. Is it called? Isn't that the only thing you CAN use? Nope, in fact I couldn't even get that to recognise any.syx or.mid file. For.syx I recommend using MidiOX: Go to MIDI settings and select your Blofeld as the MIDI out and send.syx patch files to it For.mid I recommend using MIDIbar, it's in the same program folder as MidiOx (after installing MIDIox) open it up, select Blofeld as the MIDI out and play the MIDI file to it. Or you can use the Blofeld Editor here if you want to see a list of your banks etc. I don't know, I don't have one.
That is why I'm asking if you tried! Micro Scope V16 Download Itunes on this page. If I found out I could easily load samples into it, I most likely would get one. I heard many horror stories about it in the past. In fact I owned the synth for two days, but returned it because I couldn't hear anything coming out of it, and because I couldn't get the USB/MIDI to work. But I love the sounds I hear from it from Youtube demos and such.
Have to say I own a Microwave XT now and am pretty happy with it. But you know, the promise of user-samples (and the DAMN gear LUST!!).
Was a proud Blofeld owner for a while 2 months until the thing fried on me. I got it 2nd hand, so there's no telling how bad the previous owner treated it, but still, the build quality in general seemed pretty shoddy. Sound-wise I loved it, I'm going to get the thing repaired one of these days, when I have the spare change lying around to do so. Amazing psychedelic pads and atmospheres. I'd never use the term 'fat' when referring to it though, heh. I think it really shines more in the ambient and trippy sounds department. Not so much in thick basses or leads.