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First, sorry for my bad english. RWM (Real Warfare/WW2 Mod) is the bester of STR WW2 realism (1)! Test it, is adopt it!
Salut les FAFEUX. Nous avons cree un serveur Discord dans le but de remplacer TeamSpeak, pour vous connecter reportez vous au post dans la partie privee du forum. Learn how to install Windows 7 Service Pack 1 (SP1). Includes info about how to get the download, requirements, and more. First, sorry for my bad english. RWM (Real Warfare/WW2 Mod) is the bester of STR WW2 realism (1)! Test it, is adopt it! It's a special version based and which. Aug 19, 2015. Download the package you need (Windows/Linux) 3. Extract file 4. You are done! Start your Accounting-Server-Emulator and the ts-server:./ts3server_startscript. Install Configure Inadyn Movie on this page. sh start./AccountingServerEmulator-Linux Thx to Project MESMERiZE / Kube for the crack. Also a big thx to @Ridicc for doing the.
It's a special version based and which install it in the basic original Vanilla/Arcade game 'Sudden Strike 2' (SS2) v 2.2. (instal in your folder named 'Sudden Strike 2') (2). RWM = new and many IMPROVEMENTS more realistic WW2: SPECIAL EFFECTS, SOUNDS, UNITS, REAL DAMAGES SYSTEM, SKINS, OBJECTS. THE MORE IMPORTANT SPECIFICITY IN RWM! FOR A GOOD WW2 REALISM IMMERSION FEELINGS IS: >>No mixed WW2 fronts is tolerate in MP games! So no mixed soldiers boxes & nations.
Of childhood. Only EAST OR WEST WW2 FRONTS (Germany/Italia vs USSR OR US/GB/FR). A fiew bugs fixed.