My Bible Module Schlachter 2000 Bible
From this page you can download add-on modules to expand your library. Click on the name of the module to download. Once you download the file, double-click it to execute the installer and follow the on-screen instructions. Items in green are paid modules that require an unlock key. See also Unofficial 3rd-party modules. Feb 16, 2016. For example the Schlachter 2000 has english and german Bible Book names, but the Elber-LEM has only german. I would love to see more coherence between the german Bible Book names. ATTENTION: My bug reports are all with the GERMAN INTERFACE and with the EUROPEAN NOTATION! This collection includes all German Bibles currently available for Accordance. This collection includes eleven (11) translations - four (4) of which are lemmatized.
An 'A+' Bible app if there ever was one. The full features of the 'trial version' are incredibly efficient. However once the trial expires the features do too. Happy Birthday Songs Free Download Mp3.

For $9 and some change, you will retain everything in the basic package if you can afford it. For $19 you will get 2 different add on modules (very important ones) for the price of one. That is a very good deal to be had, if you can afford it as well. I cannot recommend this app enough. I just wish the developers could figure out a way to get the full features into the hands of those financially poor and less fortunate because this app is just that good! I've used 'if you can afford it' twice because I for one certainly understand that the Lord keeps some of us humbled in the financial aspects of our lives.
But for you, if this is the case then count yourself special in his eyes. He cares so much that he's actually protecting you from a such great deal that you cannot imagine. You are also more dependent on him for your daily needs. If you need or want something however, just ask in his name.

But don't ask for a wheelbarrow full of cash all at once. It may happen, for you once in a great while, but he rarely gives so much to make you filthy rich for the rest of your life. If he does, you will observe that it does not come without a cost! You will earn or suffer for every penny!
You can include the Verse of Day on your page using one of the four options listed below: HTML code: Copy and paste custom HTML code that will display a dynamically updated verse of the day on your page. News Feeds are an XML format designed for sharing headlines and other Web content. The verse of the day is available as a news feed. You can publish this feed on your site using tools available on the web, or simply display it in your news reader. () Web Service: Verse of the Day is available as a free webservice from To use this service, please refer to our. The Flash VotD tool is an attractive, easy-to-use way to display the Verse of the Day on your site.