Mauser 98 Serial Numbers

The primary source for info for this model rifle is the book “SERBIAN & YUGOSLAV MAUSER RIFLES” by Branko Bogdanovic, North Cape Publishers, 2005. The book is informative, well illustrated and provides a thorough background of the times and events or role in history these weapons played. It is still readily available in paperback (only) for under $20. FYI; Concerning this recommendation, I do not receive any kind of remuneration or benefit from it in any way, shape or form nor am I in any way associated with the publisher or any seller of this book. I am however a friend of the author and helped proof-read the book. There is one error in the info above.

It states the siderail was marked “CXC” on rifles made before 1929. Production began in Oct. 1928 producing 1860 but the CXC marking did continue into 1929 however briefly. The exact number is unknown. Mine is numbered 9092. Some additional comments The Yugoslavs having established the model 1924 as their military’s standard arm, sought to number and alter their other rifles into a resemblance of that rifle with following pattern of nomenclature.
What is popularly known as the Serbian Mauser Model 1924 is a seemingly common Mauser with a unique history. In 1941 Germany pressured Yugoslavia into the Tripartite.
W/out some careful study, it can be quite confusing. The Czech vz24 (with some few vz23) were purchased and nomclated as the M1924C later changed to M1924a. Then there is also a rifle model M1924b. This is another rifle altogether having a standard length bolt compared to the M1924 rifle’s shorter intermediate length actions. It was rendered from altering both gew98 and Mexican model 1912 rifles.
Get the picture? Values for these rifles, as of this writing, average between $350- $500+. Download Free Typing Games With Cars Races Software Reviews. It just all depends upon model, markings, condition and finding the right buyer or seller. For additional information, I recommend going to Gunboards Military Mauser forum. There are some very knowledgeable people there willing to freely share the benefits of all they have learned.