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Kenny8416 wrote: Have you checked on your KMS server that the activation count has increased past 5? If you are imaging your machines KMS can see them all as the same machine if you don't run ospprearm during the imaging process. I am successfully activating office 2016, but I'm using the AD-Based activation now, as this is much easier (IMO) than KMS This was exactly the issue. I spun up a new PVS maintenance image for each vDisk, ran ospprearm and slmgr /rearm on each of them, then shut them down and promoted them to production. Issue resolved!

Download KMSPico from: No one like to use Office 2016 with so much restrictions. But buying a legal licence costs hundreds! That's why KMSAuto was invented. By using KMSAuto, you can programetically activate Office 2016 in matter of seconds without spending a dime. All you want is a working internet connection.