Gerrards Market
Frs Michael, Bob and Maurice wish you all Christmas joy and peace and a very Happy New Year A Biblical Walk Through the Mass A five week course for Lent 2018. This programme explores where the words and gestures we use in the Mass each week come from, explaining their significance, giving insights for getting the most out of every Mass – and much more. This course will run on Wednesday evenings starting on 21 February at 7:45pm for 8pm. It will run simultaneously on Thursday mornings starting on 22 February at 9.30am. If you wish to enrol, please call the Parish Office on 81 to sign up. Payment of £20 per person needs to be made by Monday, 15 January so your books can be ordered. Diocesan Year of Prayer and Vocation Bishop Peter has called us all to share a Year of Prayer and Vocation.

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To link to his video message about this. Throughout this year we are invited to renew our commitment to personal prayer. To help us, Prayer Cards are available from the Church porch.
In December our focus is on praying for all the people of our Diocese. In January we pray together for Christian Unity and celebrate the great joy of our shared baptism. For information and/or enquiries please email
A lternatively call 81 and follow the prompt to leave a message or speak to a priest. St Joseph's Furniture Market furnituremarket@hotmail. Ip Camera Super Client Crack Keygen Download. Open Saturday Mornings 9am until 12:30pm. The Furniture Market is closed on Saturday, 30 th December.
We wish all our customers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. DECEMBER WINNERS The December 200 Club was drawn at Tea and Chat and the lucky winners are: 1 st Elizabeth Howe 2 ndMr S Hopson 3 rdRichard Brumby 4 th Jane Roberts CONGRATULATIONS! It's not to late to join, simply read the then complete and return the to the Parish Office. You will then be included in the next draw. 50% of the income generated goes to the parish and the other 50% is paid out in prizes to lucky winners. ' If you're not in you can't win! ' News & Events.
Parish Council Meeting Minutes 21 st November 2017 (pending) Read all about Northampton Diocesan News in Diary Dates Service of Reconciliation (with visiting priests) - Tuesday, 19 th December Furniture Market Closed - Saturday, 30 th December NO London & Slough Run - Monday, 1 st January Parish Office Re-Opens - Tuesday, 2 nd January Tea in the Pot Resumes - Friday, 5 th January Praying the Rosary Resumes - Tuesday, 9 th January Eucharistic Adoration Resumes - Wednesday 10 th/Thursday 11 th January Enrolment Deadline for ' - Monday, 15 th January - 18 th to 25 th January.