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Download past episodes or subscribe to future episodes of GCSE and IGCSE History Revision Guides: Mr Allsop History by Scott Allsop for free. Top Cat Serial Number. CleanIGCSE History Paper 4 exam tips 'new' exam from 2015, This revision podcast relates specifically to the 'new' CIE IGCSE History Paper 4 examination from June 2015.
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Description Produced by History teachers working in the far North, these podcasts are designed to prepare you for your GCSE History exam in 2017 and 2018. The first set of episodes cover AQA Paper 1, Topics 1, 2 and 3 - The Causes of WW1; the Treaty of Versailles and the League of Nations; and Appeasement and the origins of WW2. Further episodes will cover the 2017 Paper 2 on the 20th Century Depth Studies and also the 2018 Norman England Depth Study. Most episodes are solo affairs by Mr W but watch out for the special essay argument episodes where you can hear grown men getting frankly just a but carried away arguing their version of events.
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