Download Whatsapp On Blackberry Z10
As announced in our blog, WhatsApp will no longer be supported on BlackBerry 10 after December 31, 2017. Until then, we support any BlackBerry 10 device that has Software Release or later, otherwise known as BB OS Version Note: The BlackBerry Priv and DTEK50 are supported Android. 'Reinstall whatsapp again i need my old password but i forgot my password and.'
You do not need Cobalt's service patcher. Just install as usual from the Google Play Store. If it asks for Google Play Service, just skip or cancel for that particular part and proceed with installation. The Google Play Service is optional and use only to save your chat history to Google Drive--which you don't need since it can save just as well to the Whatsapp's server.

I have installed this successfully on my Passport and have been running it for almost a week now with no problem. If I can do it, you should, too. Hi there guys Sorry to be a bother but on my Z10 I can't upload a photo through my whatsapp apk. It works beautifully the only problem is the uploading of photos fails through the android apk on my z10. I skipped Google services so I could continue with the installation but it is no working 100% flawlessly as so features dont work If anybody can help me out I would be extremely grateful as I don't want to buy a new phone and hear whatsapp is dropping support for BlackBerry is 10 at the end of this year sadly. But the android app side loading should still work just fine Thank you very much.
Hey hi there BlackZ10 thank you for the response! I have version 2.16.61 installed. I side loaded it and downloaded from the internet but it won't upload or send a photo.
Everything else works fine except the send images / photos option. Unfortunately photos don't work and really want photos to work. How To Install Programs Without Administrator Password Windows Vista on this page. I know I can install whatsapp from the App World but it will become obsolete at the end of this year so want my side load apk to be working properly. Colin Mcrae Rally 2005 Pc Game Download. Don't mind getting my hands a bit dirty to get it to work just don't really know how or why it doesn't work. Thank you very much by the way.
.I do not understand, why the android version of whatsapp should not work (except posting media directly over whatsapp.) in 2017! Maybe somebody could explain this. I actually use the android version of whatsapp on my Q10. Of course I can not post any media but if I sent uploaded 'shared links' for example from google-photos, the receiver will be able to see all media over these shared links. I think this should work as long as android-whatsapp is compatible to android version 4.3.Correct, the android version should also work in 2017. Regarding the media-problem: there is an app which fixes this called WAA Fixer and can be downloaded from the BlackBerry Beta Zone.
You get only one notification in the hub, if you received one or more messages. LED-notification does not work too. I think android whatsapp integration will develop and get better in 2017. Right now it's without problems possible to send text messages and with WAA Fixer you are able to send media too. Personal contacts will not all be shown in android whatsapp. But it's possible to save them again.
All in all I don't have that much problems with the android version for my use case (just receiving and sending informations in groups). I'm quite happy with it: I can use my Q10 some more years.