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Ryuichi Sakamoto Ongaku Zukan Rarity. (¯`.¸(¯`.¸ Fravia's pages of reverse engineering ¸.´¯)¸.´¯) (preparing reality reversers for the next Millennium) Welcome to the 'hidden' section of ACRIGS.COM. This is not my work, I used Web Snake to take it off two years ago.
I put it here for the use of everyone, but be warned, it is BIG, over a 1000 pages! Check or for an idea of the size of size! The only changes I have made is to try and get rid of the links that don't work anymore and add this to the page I link to from my web site.
The real home page for Fravia is, I use this one because it is a little easer to use, look for the links, most are in images. I have been studying Fravia's work since 1996 when I was reverse engineering the 1982 BiM Ballast control computer system (while working for Penrod then Wilrig) that was based on the TI9900 CPU (specifically the TI9995) by breaking down the EPROM'S into TI9900 Assembly Code. ENJOY FRIENDS! YES, I imported this with FrontPage, I'm a lot newer to this Web stuff than I am to reverse engineering and I usually start with Bill's stuff (MASH anyone!). My sincere apologies Fravia and his friends! Here is what I'm working at this time: a bit of work;-) This site is actually updated in the section. Fravia stopped his site.