Ccgen RARE
How many people in the forums today find the thing useful? Its mighty rare i find anything with it im actualy looking for as such mamy of us stopped using it. Ps- my excuice for this being in the CCgen forum is ether that i feel more comftable posting here or that its dev targeted focused results im intrested in,.

Joined: 09 Jul 2007 Posts: 7580 Location: USA - NY Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 6:39 am Post subject: Re: how to get my product on the web based shop? WBlackWolfw wrote: I would like to know how to get a product from my catalog on the web based shop, I mean the publicity at left Posted in the Official Tier Thread, repeating here: That side of the catalog is shown as: what's new? Which means new products that have gone through peer review and passed are shown there as what is new - new products.
Posted in the Official Tier Thread, repeating here: _________________ wBlackWolfw. Demand Drivers Перевод there. Joined: 05 Apr 2008 Posts: 2094 Location: USA Posted: Thu May 07, 2015 10:57 am Post subject: wBlackWolfw wrote: Sometimes I see there the same product more then 3 times, I think there is something else that makes the product shows there Nope, if you see the same product there it's either people submitting ZCDs (and stealing icons if it's the same one being shown from different accounts unless they're alts which as likely) or someone accidentally submitted the same product a few times by pressing the 'upload' button more than once. I've also seen people rip meshes and swipe icons and upload them pretty fast too, so that's also a possibility.
New products are just that - new products. Saint Seiya Scan Ita Download Google. They're always flowing into the catalogue so seeing your product on the first page of the new products will be difficult. _________________ Dresser_129205738_retired. Joined: 17 Jun 2007 Posts: 3038 Location: Netherlands Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 1:33 am Post subject: I think it's a random process. I had a couple of products show up there in the past. I would see my own item repeatedly appear for 5 or 10 minutes before the 'what's new' window would show a new batch a products. It really comes down to luck.
The reason you see the same devs appear there again and again is because they submit a lot of stuff. The more you submit the higher your changes that one of those products is selected to be shown there. _________________ KidCarnival. Joined: 11 Nov 2008 Posts: 4576 Location: San Marino Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 2:49 am Post subject: Why do you even want your product there? It's not like it generates sales. It's shown briefly, to a fairly small group of people who just happen to use the website shop in the brief time your product is displayed in the rotation, with many other items.
If you want exposure, buy a shoutout - lasts longer, better chance to be seen, and you decide what to advertise. I had random products - unbuyable customs, untextured derivables, the least interesting part of a bundle - in that box and would most certainly have picked something else, if I had the choice. I often see Pending icons, too, and assume people would rather advertise something else, or as a potential buyer, rather see what it is than a generic pending icon. _________________ If you make your font this tiny, I will not read it. Joined: 30 Apr 2011 Posts: 1004 Location: USA - TX Posted: Fri May 08, 2015 3:11 am Post subject: Retailing wrote: I often see the same creators there The same creators that keep coming on there treat imvu as a job and make a quota.the more new items ya submit would mean the most likely your product will be shown on that panel. Some respectable creators make it there. And some underserving people make it there.