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Huynh T (gb) wrote: 'What's that you say? You, a complete random stranger radioing in on an open channel, want me to fire a devastating weapon from my warship into a foreign ally's country directly at one of their most revered and renown historical landmarks without authority from our President or theirs? Sure, why not. Free Burn Fat Feed Muscle Results. ' 'Ask the general of Egypt [any Egyptian general will do] whether I can fly into their airspace. [wink wink] from one general to another [wink wink].
No need for us to get authorization from the Egyptian President. Because we're not even getting authorization from our own President to violate airspace.' 'Bring the 'waterboarding robot' so he can enter through this kid's mouth, reach his brain and read information from it -- even though there is no passage to the brain from the mouth.' 'I answer to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs not a President for whom I didn't vote.' 'Who you gonna listen to? Government suits who want to pull out and run and pansies who talk diplomacy. Or Optimus Prime [YEA!!] who will lecture you on the innately violent nature of humans -- about 6 or 7 minutes before he summarily executes an already fallen enemy soldier at point blank range.'

The evil Decepticons aren't gone. They're just hiding out there and waiting for pansy government suits to tell you to pull out and withdraw your military. Paul Ekman Torrent Pdf To Dwg. It's better to stay indefinitely.' 'Let me tap into your outrage by implying that Bayl Outs [bailouts in the Bayniverse] will pay for the remodeling of someone's house and give them a pool.' 'Soundwave infiltrates a military communications satellite, but don't blame anyone but the government for the intel leak.' 'China doesn't even let certain American websites send data into their country -- but believe me. They're totally ok with the US military entering [on its own authority] and ordering multiple air strikes in the most densely populated civilian area in all of China.'