Auto Like Facebook Software Free Download For Pc

Facebook is one of the most important digital social networking hubs. With more than 1 billion active users, the website has seen a fair share of attention from software engineers looking for ways to augment users' experience. Auto Liker for Facebook performs just such a task, by allowing one to quickly generate in excess of 100 likes for any status message or posted photos.
Requires several Facebook settings and will only work with Public posts Several requirements must be observed for the application to run properly, the first being a valid and active Facebook account. Barring the obvious need for an Internet connection, the website account must also be configured to an “Everybody” setting on the “Facebook Followers” preferences category. Also, only Public posts can be targeted. Scenarist Sd Rapidshare Download.
Download Fb Auto Like App For Pc - best software for Windows. Auto Like Facebook Statuses Plus++: Auto Like Facebook Statuses Plus++ is a free Firefox extension that allows you to automatically like Facebook statuses of friends, groups. 4Liker APK Download for Android to Auto Like FaceBook Photo & Status we detailed all working facebook car liker as well as phony sort applications, tools and. Functioning facebook vehicle liker application'. Yeah this time we discovered this incredible autoliker4fb android app that giving cost-free facebook fake sort.
With these technicalities out of the way, one can commence auto-like tasks with just a few mouse clicks. First, one must connect to Facebook – this is performed from within the program and thus removes the need for an external browser. Send automated comments At this point, users are faced with all the available options, such as the ability to issue automatic likes for status messages, photos or feeds.
Also, one can generate likes for a custom ID, provided a valid username is inserted. Options for status and photo comments are also available, and the program will send messages with built-in text strings. The program features a 15 minutes timeout setting that prevents spamming accounts. Even so, one should employ the tool with caution, as not all users will appreciate hundreds of likes suddenly popping up. A good tool for generating numerous likes instantly To conclude, Auto Liker for Facebook is a simple tool for anyone who regularly uses the social media giant. With it, one can quickly raise hundreds of likes for status messages or posted photos, and automated comments can also be sent.