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Allods Online New Horizons Pimp my build Made by Nifelhel Dear Sarnautians, Nifelhel Monsters Inc My name is Nifelhel, an Arisen Summoner and a member of greatest Imperial guild on European server Skrakan, Monsters Inc. Since the beginning of Allods Online, Summoners have endured many changes, but with all those up’s and down’s I still love my summy! Because with all those changes, we can still make very good damage, be annoying in PvP and in most of cases heal better than full healers! And of course, for all of you that like grinding we should never forget that Summoners are perfect immortal grinding machines. In New Horizons patch, Summoners got very little changes, and most of them are simple make-up ones. As for previous patches, there few that are worth mentioning: Our Neurotoxin spell now ticks more, and explodes after total of 8 stacks.

Its average damage and activation time have been increased respectively. Next is our blood pool, that is now passively refilling only out of combat, and depends directly of the Dark Pac t talent. New Horizons patch brought us new looks of few of our spells and effect looks, like Donor Virus and Toxic weakness.
Also, out pets now make more sounds, Arisen Lurker makes sounds like R2D2 from Star Wars and Hellion makes some chirping sounds (I was very annoyed at this at the beginning, but as time passed I even find it cute now ). With latest patch, we all had a lots of problems with stat changes, and I personally still trying to find perfect balance. Extra talents and rubies As for extra talents and rubies I have 62 talent points and 54 rubies points. As I said before, I am a Summoner that is using pure healing build, which means I took all talents and rubies that could make me better in what I do.
So, lets start with talents and reason why I took them: Damage spells Damage spells: Putrefy – rank 2, just cause I need it to take next spells Vampirisam and Blood tap – your basic dmg spells Volatile Infection – rank 1, its AoE spell, I use it to farm some gold, and to get lots of Necropotency effects once it explodes Wandering fever – a very old spell that is now nearly useless, but I still use it to get some extra blood drops, usually when I expect longer fights, because once it fades, it deals some damage. Healing spells: Healing spells: Blood Injection and Blood shot – both rank 3, its 2 nd most powerful spell, and it looks cool also Plague of Mending – AoE healing spell, it has CD which you decrease with rubies Dark Renewal – single target HoT spell, and it makes wonderful first shot heal Reanimation – rank 3, the most powerful healing spell, true, it costs 4 blood drops, but its worth every single drop, since it can bring anyone from brink of death. Infinity Box Cdma Tool Crack Download. Bomb The Suburbs Pdf Download more. Defensive and support spells: Defensive and support spells: Blood aegis – rank 3, raises your armor rate a lot, and with ruby you also get heal, every time you loose stack Dark pact – rank 3, determines regeneration of blood drops out of combat, and gives me some extra drops in exchange for small portion of my life essence.
If you'd like to help test and provide feedback, you can start by copying your character and downloading the PTR client. World of Warcraft Patch 6.2.2 PTR. Pandaren Hunter Immunity STEAMWHEEDLE CARTEL @Magebait: it's reminding me of a mmo called allods in a way, it had a shop where you could buy stat points.
Fear – rank 1, it has long cooldown, but it can help you in more than one occasion Raise from the Dead - speaks for itself (dead summ is useless summ!), so rank 3 is a must have Lurker – rank 3, as annoying as it can be, this is a must have for any healing summoner, cause this pet fills your blood pool. In PvP its also usefull cause it silences your enemies. Rubies Now when we saw all talents you need for healing, lets see rubies, cause in game of Allods Online, Rubies are girl’s best friend! ~Acid tree~ Blood Tap – This tiny ruby brings me back mana after each kill, thus making it extremely valuable when I am in mobs killing spree mood; Calculating Mind – To get to this cunning little eye that gives me bonus to Perception I need to spend two rubies, so I took two most useful ones, the one that make me use less mana for heals and the one that makes Wandering Fever act as a poor excuse of a DoT until it explodes. Darkweaver – It has 20% chance to decrease casting time and mana use for Blood shot and Vampirisam ~Putrefy tree~ Neurotoxin Neurotoxin – to get to this DoT kind of spell that stuns target once it explodes I took rubies that give me bonuses for Intelligence and increase chance for few spells to trigger Putrefy/Decomposition (NOTE: Most useful skill in PvP); Necropotency Necropotency – all summoners need it desperately in hope to reduce cast times of spells up to 100%! Dreambox Dm800 Hd Se Firmware Download more. Advanced GeneticsVirulence Empowered Infections Plaguebringer Delayed Healing Advanced Genetics, Virulence, Empowered Infections, Plaguebringer and Delayed Healing - are skills that help me increase effectiveness, duration or decrease mana cost and cooldown of most of my spells. ~Vampirism~ Reservoir Of Blood Reservoir Of Blood – healing summoner without blood for her spells is not a healing summoner, nuff said!