Accu Chek Smart Pix Software Downloads

Includes easy-to-use software CD and USB cable so you can download results directly to your PC. Aviva meter; Accu-Chek Aviva Expert meter; Accu-Chek Compact Plus meter; Accu-Chek Combo system; Accu-Chek Spirit insulin pump; Accu-Chek Smart Pix reader; Accu-Chek Compact meter; Accu-Chek Active meter. Mike Coburn Soldier Five Pdf Reader on this page. Start My Meter: Get the blood sugar management app from Accu-Chek for Android and iOS.
*Please note that the Diabetes Mall does not sell or promote any particular pump. Lowrance Mark 5x Manuale Italiano Samsung on this page.
Dear Guys I am trying to run the app of Accu-chek: SmartPix-Software-2.1.0r01-usb.exe that is an app for transfer the glucose reading from the Accu-Chek Active Glucometer to the Laptop. It is important to me because I am diabetic type II and I use Linux and not Windows. I tried to install using crossover in my Laptop Dell Inspiron 1545 running Debian Jessie 8.5. It seems that the install process was very straightforward and didn't send me any error message. But it didn't created an execution icon in order I could start the app in linux. And I tried to verify the log file in the ending install process but it didn't open.
I tried to execute the SmartPix-Software-2.1.0r01-usb. Herr Der Ringe Schlacht Um Mittelerde 2 Download Kostenlos Vollversion. exe using the bottle that it created, but I received a message telling me access Denied. Can someone help me? I bag your pardon for my poor English but my native language is Portuguese. Thanks in advance for any help.
I've been working on this for a few minutes the program worked right away for me the only thing it made a desktop launcher and not a menu launcher i found the command for that in ('/home/mike/.cxoffice/SmartPix/desktopdata/cxmenu/Desktop.C^5E3A_users_crossover_Desktop/Accu-Chek+Smart+Pix+Software.lnk'%u)then i created a start menu icon by going to the bottle menu and i clicked run typed ('/home/mike/.cxoffice/SmartPix/desktopdata/cxmenu/Desktop.C^5E3A_users_crossover_Desktop/Accu-Chek+Smart+Pix+Software.lnk'%u) and told it to create a menu launcher. I'm running Ubuntu 16.04lts 6 bit with multiarch support and Crossover 15.3.1 so my system is somewhat the same as yours. I didn't add anything to my install of this software. The path for you should be about the same just my name would be different.
Hope this will help you. Dear Mike, Yy install didn't create the path: '/home/nogueira/.cxoffice/SmartPix/desktopdata/. It looks like it installed very straightforward and don't give me any error message during install. But it didn't create any launcher. Dear Mike, it create the following paths: ~/.cxoffice/SmartPix-Software-2/desktopdata/cxnsplugin/linux and ~/.cxoffice/SmartPix-Software-2/desktopdata/cxnsplugin/linux64 but there is nothing in the end of this paths.
They are empty. There is installed multarch-support also. It is a transition package to multarch compability. Thank you for now. • • 1 to 12 of 12 • Please Note: This Forum is for non-application specific questions relating to installation/configuration of CrossOver. All application-specific posts to this Forum will be moved to their appropriate. CrossOver Forums: the place to discuss running Windows applications on Mac and Linux.