1987 Gt Pro Performer Serial Numbers

Anything youve noticed me leaving out please post it. Heres a collection of serial number examples to help you figure yours out. Early Santa Ana serials, rear dropout. 31765 Can be found both with as well as without a model abreviation nearby.
3 for the third month March. 1 for the year 1981. Santa Ana serials, rear dropout. 7841112 with a model abreviation stamped nearby.( 3, 4, L4, Jr, FS, I, M1, M1M, PE, JPE, XL, XXL, XL E, 24, F) 7 for the 7th month July. 84 for the year 1984. Same code in the 1990s as well.
GT6842174 without a model abreviation. 6 for the sixth month June. 84 for the year 1984. GT00185 without a model abreviation.
I am watching a Performer frame on ebay at the moment and from its serial number, it looks like it was built in Taiwan in March 1987. One thread over on the BMXMuseum Forum states that the Taiwanese frames weren't made from 4130. Are the Taiwanese frames still near the build quality of the American. Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /srv/users/serverpilot/apps/jujaitaly/public/index.php on line 447. Pro Performer ll, 85-86 if it has a brake stay behind the BB it's 87. Double top tube thingy level with the top of the top tube and the beefed up forks with the cable guide is the giveaway, very nice!:daumenhoch: Here's mine which I bought BITD and still have.
001 for the production #. 85 for the year 1985. If the serial is just like these on the rear dropout but without a model abreviation its also US made, but in Huntington Beach.
7872459 without a model abreviation. 7 for the 7th month July. 87 for the year 1987. Japanese serials. Some of the Japanese factory's stamped the serial's on the rear dropout.
5X02157 with a baseball symbol. 5 for the year 1985. 5L0139 with a baseball symbol. 5 is for the year 1985. L for the 12'th month December.
GH891203267 G for the production line. H for the factory. 89 for the year 1989. 12 is for the 12'th month Dec. DH900413372 D for the production line.
H for the factory. 90 for the year 1990.
04 is for the 4'th month April. Some of the Japanese factory's stamped the serial's on the bottom bracket. 65J03205 6 for the production line. 5 for the year 1985.
J for the 10'th month October. G5I2981 G for the production line. Ragnarok Offline 3rd Job Free Download Installer on this page. 5 for the year 1985. I for the 9th month September.
Monopoly Deluxe Download Rapidshare File here. F6026521 F for the production line. 6 for the year 1986. 02 for the 2nd month February.
T8040164 T for the production line. 8 for the year 1988.
04 for the 4th month April. KS89111512 K for the factory. S for the production line. 89 for the year 1989. 11 for the 11th month November. Taiwanese serials, usually on the bottom bracket. Sometimes they are on the rear dropout though.
DS6I2760 DS for the Factory. 6 for the year 86. I for the 9'th month September. DS7122150 DS for the factory. 7 for the year 1987.
12 for the 12'th month December. N0573129 N for the production line.
0 for the year 1990. 5 for the 5'th month May. KGH1E3951 K for the factory.GH for the production line. 1 for the year 1991. E for the 5'th month May. KG2A00220 K for the factory. G for the production line.
2 for the year 1992. A for the 1'st month January. This one is made in the same Kinesis factory in Taiwan as the last two. KGCG02419 K for the factory. GC for the production line.
G for the 7'th month July and C stands for Year 1993. Most foreign serials decode the same as those do but have different numbers of digits and letters. YC96H39112 YC for the factory. 96 for the year 1996. H for the 8th month August.
YC4H3221 YC for the factory. 4 for the year 1994. H for the 8th month August. ACI4L01724 AC for the factory. I for the production line. 4 for the year 1994.